Friday, October 11, 2013

Trek 2012

Brian and I were asked to be a Ma and Pa on our Stake's Trek which took place at the end of May. Completely unsure of what to expect we agreed. This came prior to  Brian's call as Bishop. We decided we could handle the preparations on top of all else that was happening. Looking back I was grateful we decided to continue because we needed that time as we walked and walked around the neighborhood adding miles, to talk and talk and talk dealing with this new change in our lives.
Before departing...clean and not sore!

There were seven buses needed to transport all the youth. Our trek took place just north of Clints Well above the Mogellon Rim, about a 2.5-3 hour trip north of us.  
Our wagons came unassembled, after meeting our children, our first task was to build and load our wagons. Dinner was served- chilli and cornbread, and then we headed out into the evening.

Each family slept on tarps, Ma and Pa in the middle and the boys flanking the side of Brian and the girls out from me. The temperatures plummeted during the 1st night and it was literally freezing when we woke up. Given our valley blood, we were thoroughly frozen.  We had been given the advice from a friend to camp near the pine trees, so we could gather the pine needles, and make a bed from them and then place the tarp over the needles. Although it was still not comfortable, we fared better than many. The ground was extremely pocked and bumpy, the needles helped in evening out the bumps.

It was dark when we got to camp the previous night, we were amazed when we woke up to see everyone spread over the meadow.

Then men joining the Battalion.

Our wagon at the top of the women's pull, once the boys had come back. While a bit strenuous the women's pull did not live up to the stories we had previously heard. Brother Hawman is in the gold shirt, Sister Hawman and I are in the box of the wagon. The Hawman's wagon broke earlier in the day so their family was divided among our company. We got Brother and Sister Hawman and Kendra Meneses a Laurel in our ward.

Pulling up Rocky Ridge. Brian in is the box.

Pushing up Rocky Ridge. We were towards the back of the group, so we had quite some time to wait before we went up Rocky Ridge. Brother Hawman walked away for some time and then came back and reported that he had been watching a number of families attempt to make it up the hill. He spent some time going through the areas they had trouble with and what we could do to minimize the trouble areas, and successfully make it to the top with out stopping or needing additional help. There were a number of adults placed along the path  to help if the need arose. We took his suggestions and managed to navigate the sharp turns and incline on our own. It wasn't pretty by any means, but we did it. As we were half way up one of the bystanders called out..Its the Teuscher's, stand back they've got it they don't need our help. There were many parallels we discussed with our experience of watching, and learning from those who have come before: prophets, Stake Presidents, Bishops, Youth Leaders... we see the road these youth are on as you heed the warnings and listen to the counsel given you, you can navigate the coming years successfully.

Washing the dirt off my feet. Even if we couldn't bathe, having clean legs and feet was delightful!

After our hard day on Thursday, Friday was filled with pioneer games and activities. It was no surprise to find Brian happily amid the was all the candy he likes skittles, gummy bears etc... no chocolate.

The three couples from our ward: The Jardines- Adam and Christine, Brian and I and The Hawmans- Danny and Amber

Our dearest friends the Johnsons, the other Brian and Stephanie! :-)

Our second camping spot where we stayed for two nights.

Our family. At the end...quite a bit dirty but happy with what we had accomplished.

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