Monday, February 18, 2008

Family Home Evening

Monday night in our church has been designated as "Family Home Evening" It is a night dedicated to spending with our families. We have always done pretty good at holding family home evening, but since Dec/Jan we have really stepped up our committment to making them really fun evenings. Tonight Matthew was in charge of the activity- which was a family soccer game- parents against kids- kids won 4-1. Brian was in charge of dessert, which was fondue. Notice the chocolate under Andrew's armpits- it was a good choice on his part to take off the shirt! I couldn't believe how covered in chocolate he was when we were finished ( actually I can believe it)

Sherman update

As our Chi Square child he is the only one in four to suck fingers, thumb or fist- whatever he can shove in his mouth. The two middle fingers seem to be the digits-du-jour.

At his 4 mos check up he was tipping the scales at 17 pounds. The doctor asked me how he was tolerating solid foods. Solid foods??? I had completely forgotten that you could start solids at 4 mos. Chalk another point for the mothers amnesia column( That column seems to be growing exponentially in my book)

So tonight we started rice cereal... he ate it like a champ. Unfortunately that means the pounds will continue to pack on and my back will be forever sore.

Zachary has been delighting us with smiles and squeals- but of course like most 4 mos olds you can harly catch those moments on film.


We went to Phoenix Coyotes Hockey game the other night- Brian, Brandon and Matthew were able to sit on the bench during warm-ups. Brian said the sounds of the skates and the slaps of the pucks were pretty incredible. I thought the goalie doing the splits was pretty incredible too!
When the Coyotes score, everyone in the arena begins howling- quite a sound! Unfortunately we only got to howl once, as we lost 2-1.

The Glendale Arena is right across the street from Uof Phoenix Stadium( where the Super Bowl was played) We walked around before the game, they were still remants of the Super Bowl scattered throughout the parking lot. With the amount of tents, baricades and porta-potties we saw it had to have been quite a spectacle.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It gets worse...

While I was working on Primary stuff this morning before church and Brandon and Matthew were bathing, Maisy- the pony who became black, got a new paint job- this time with nail polish.

You would think I would learn- I guess I'm still a little slow on the uptake. At least Brandon and Matthew who were bathing in our bathroom started screaming about it after the first three strokes of polish.....

Can I put a barricade in front of my door????

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Student of the Month

The town of Queen Creek, where the boys school is located, honors one student from each of the schools that are located within the city boundaries every month. Brandon received Student of the Month for his school, Benjamin Franklin Charter School this last month. He was presented his award at the Town Council Meeting this past Wednesday evening. We are proud of him and his desire to learn, and to be a good example to those he associates with. Here is the link to his picture:

Mrs. Youngs his teacher is the woman on the right. Queen Creek was once a total farming community, which is quite quickly being consumed by the suburban sprawl. Many of the council members, minus the mayor ( in the suit), were dressed as many in the town wish the roots would stay.

Some have asked how we feel about Charter Schools- we love them!!

Oh, Andrew

This post is for Natalie, and all those who have Andrew's in their lives. ( Natalie has an Andrew that mirrors our Andrew, want to read about him, he's quite a character too!!)This afternoon as Brian was at baseball tryouts with Brandon and Matthew I took a few minutes to pick up the downstairs, Zachary was sleeping his requisite 20 minutes, and I THOUGHT Andrew was palying with Legos. Think again mom!! As I walked up the stairs to make sure his shoes were on, I thought the upstairs smelled a little different, nice, but different. I looked for Andrew with the Legos, no Andrew. No Andrew with the imaginext, or in his room. That ment he must be in my bathroom. And it was quiet. I found him with a spotted pony in one hand, and my mascara in the other. He told me he was painting his pony to look like Brandon's( which is all black) and giving his pony a bath.

A bath it turns out in a whole bottle of Peony body splash( hence the nice smell upstairs)and baby powder. And "paint" curtosy of my mascara. Don't we just love them!!

Andrew wanted to take pictures of the Imaginext base they made. I love the old Imaginext series, and highly recommend it to any one looking for something to keep boys occupied. We have amassed quite a collection, thanks to eBay, and it can keep the boys thoroughly occupied on those long Sunday mornings. I love it because they play together, and use their imaginations.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Playing Uno with Andrew

Tues and Thursday mornings before he leaves for Preschool Andrew likes to play games with me while I am nursing. ( Actually better said, I have Andrew play a game with me so I can keep an eye on him and make sure he isn't getting into anything) Our favorite games are Blokus, Matching Penguins and Uno. If I am not watching him when he deals out the cards this is what HIS hand looks like: Wild +4, Wild +4, Wild+4, Draw Two, Draw Two, Skip and Skip. He has learned really quickly which cards are to his benefit!

Thirty years ago...

Thirty years ago: Do you want to play afterschool? or Can you play today?
Today: Can we have a play date? or Lets schedule a play date...

Thirty years ago: Let's go play on the playground
Today: Let's play on the play structure
*** When Brian's parents were here in Nov. one of the kids mentioned the word play structure and they looked at them not quite understanding what they were talking about!

Ok this one made me laugh yesterday ( it was raining)
Thirty years ago: We're on a rainy day schedule ( at school)
Today: Brandon and Matthew were talking at the table after school: "We were on an inclement weather schedule today." Inclement Weather??? Do we need to be politically correct to the thunderstorms, tornados, fog, hail and snow now??