Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oh, Andrew

This post is for Natalie, and all those who have Andrew's in their lives. ( Natalie has an Andrew that mirrors our Andrew, want to read about him, he's quite a character too!!)This afternoon as Brian was at baseball tryouts with Brandon and Matthew I took a few minutes to pick up the downstairs, Zachary was sleeping his requisite 20 minutes, and I THOUGHT Andrew was palying with Legos. Think again mom!! As I walked up the stairs to make sure his shoes were on, I thought the upstairs smelled a little different, nice, but different. I looked for Andrew with the Legos, no Andrew. No Andrew with the imaginext, or in his room. That ment he must be in my bathroom. And it was quiet. I found him with a spotted pony in one hand, and my mascara in the other. He told me he was painting his pony to look like Brandon's( which is all black) and giving his pony a bath.

A bath it turns out in a whole bottle of Peony body splash( hence the nice smell upstairs)and baby powder. And "paint" curtosy of my mascara. Don't we just love them!!

Andrew wanted to take pictures of the Imaginext base they made. I love the old Imaginext series, and highly recommend it to any one looking for something to keep boys occupied. We have amassed quite a collection, thanks to eBay, and it can keep the boys thoroughly occupied on those long Sunday mornings. I love it because they play together, and use their imaginations.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow - I can't believe that our sweet, mild mannered babies turned out to be so adventurous and fearless! Great post. I was right along there along with you, as you were noticing the different smell, the ominous silence, and on the search for your little guy. Just like our house :)

Thanks for the tip about imiganext toys, too!