As our Chi Square child he is the only one in four to suck fingers, thumb or fist- whatever he can shove in his mouth. The two middle fingers seem to be the digits-du-jour.
At his 4 mos check up he was tipping the scales at 17 pounds. The doctor asked me how he was tolerating solid foods. Solid foods??? I had completely forgotten that you could start solids at 4 mos. Chalk another point for the mothers amnesia column( That column seems to be growing exponentially in my book)
So tonight we started rice cereal... he ate it like a champ. Unfortunately that means the pounds will continue to pack on and my back will be forever sore.
Zachary has been delighting us with smiles and squeals- but of course like most 4 mos olds you can harly catch those moments on film.
Oh, he is soooo cute! Emily sucks on her thumb and is our only child to do so. She only weighed 14 lbs at her 6 month check up. Sherman, spread the wealth!
Holy Cow! He is so big! Such a cutie, too. Maybe he's big so he can survive his 3 older brothers. =) And all of theis love.
Oh my word...I've been so out of it I can't believe how big he is. He is just adorable. I need to get better so I can spend some time with that boy. I sure miss our "get-togethers"! I don't get the mothers' amnesia thing. My kids are all pretty close, so how can I forget so many things in between. I feel better now after reading your blog though. If it can happen to you than it can happen to anyone! =)
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