Monday, June 14, 2010

We've waited ten years for this....

A tooth.

Yes, a tooth.

Each of the kids has been born with something different or missing. Brandon's claim to fame is that he was born with out a lateral incisor( baby or permanent) on the right side and only a baby one on the left. The orthodontist has attempted over the last six months to create a space big enough to put a tooth in.....

...and he did! A full toothy smile.

It is just a fake tooth that has a bracket on and is wired to the wire across his brackets. When he is finished with braces he will get a retainer with a tooth on it, and then in his twenties, once his jaw has stopped growing, they will do an implant. But it is fun to see him smile!


Anonymous said...

Funny, this must be some sort of Teuscher gene defect b/c one of Eric's teeth never grew in either and they had to shift the rest forward or something then shave them down to match. (I'm obviously fuzzy on the details)

Laurel said...

I didn't realize he was missing those permanent teeth...Cadie has the same problem. We'll have to compare orthodontist notes. =)