Monday, June 14, 2010


Baseball is Brian's true love of sports. But as a mom, with three boys playing, sometimes it was hard to feel the love. Unlike soccer, with one game a week, baseball can have two or three games a week--multiply that by three kids and you get a mom who learned how to pack and make dinner from a cooler like no other. The hours from the time they got home from school until we made it to the fields were a whirlwind and a little nutty. By game time we enjoyed sitting in the fields and soaking in the fabulous spring weather we had. (It was an extremely mild spring thanks to El Nino- wish it would be this way every year.)

By the last few games, we had to pull out the canopy for the Sat. afternoon games.

Andrew and the seeds. What is baseball without seeds? We couldn't forget the backpack with the seeds in it- that would have been a disaster!

Brandon leading off from first. He had a wonderful coach this year, making up from last year, mild mannered and extremely positive.

Zach trying to get the whole dog in- practicing for the Hot Dog Eating Championships in twenty years.
Getting a few minute last minute reminders from dad. This kid could crush the ball. He had to play T-ball this year, because it was his first year. His skills were way beyond t-ball so it was more of a lets-get-out-and-have-fun year than learning anything new.

The strong as an ox coment from a previous post, fits well for Matthew in hitting- when he made solid contact he would make it to second base...on the opposite field. He would never swing at the first pitch, he would always see how the coach was pitching that particular inning before comitting to hit one!

This cute kid won the Home Run Derby at the end of the season!

Brandon got an in the park home run this year- though he found when he wore his glasses he could hit more consistantly!

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