Matthew was chosen as Student of the Month in March. His teacher had this to say about him: Matthew is always on task and etremely respectful. He is courteous to all those around him. Matthew is always willing to participate, and share interesting facts with our class. He is a joy to have in the classroom.
On a side note: we are just pleased they spelled his name right. His first name that is.
We all know Teuscher is a bear to spell and pronounce,because I have seen far too many spellings and laughed at too many attempted pronunciations, but the name Matthew? Last year on his SOM certificate the spelling was Mathew. So this year a success- both names spelled correctly.
Matthew is a great kid. And unfortunately he is the (oldest) middle child. He is a peacemaker and often gets the short end of the stick. His feathers don't get ruffled very often or very easily. He is always the one who moves places in church so whoever is having a rough time can sit by me. He doesn't complain about much, not even having to wear dirty pants again, or having to eat a jelly sandwich for lunch. He is smart- and retains tiny bits of trivia, generally numbers- like no one I've met. We all know Brian is smart with numbers and ridiculous minutia of trivia, so he is his fathers son. Matthew can tell you the hospital room number I was in when Zach was born. Or how many poles he passed on a ski lift, a year later. The street number of BFCS ( and this is when he wasn't even in school, and it is a five or six digit number)He just gets numbers. His athletic abilities will come in the form of endurance, he is strong as on ox and just keeps going and going. He loves to read in bed- hidden on the top bunk, hidden from view, but catching enough light from the hall to read well into the night.
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