Monday, April 21, 2008

A spontaneous trip

The boys didn't have school on Friday ( a few weeks ago)... there were no baseball games on Saturday... one of my counselors was able to fill in for baptisms... I didn't have to conduct or do Sharing Time on Sunday... so we took the boys out of school early and drove to San Diego to visit Grandma and Grandpa Teuscher. What a fun time we had. Unlike most who go to San Diego to go to all the parks, generally we just go to Grandma's. A few of our highlights:

Going to Sea World (we hadn't been for five years)

( I realize after looking at all these pictures- you only see the back of the boys heads-I learned a good photo lesson- go on the opposite side from your kids!)

Eating VG's doughnuts ( we had some great Maple Bars for all you fans out there!)

Going to the beach (even though it was overcast and windy the kids still got wet)

Having mom cook for us

Eating fresh picked strawberries
Getting sticker shock at the price of CA gas


Laurel said...

Looks like you had a fun trip! I heard you're going down there around July 4th. Hopefully everything works out for me to go too! Zachary is getting so big!

Natalie said...

Fun trip! So, how much was the gas in CA?

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I love the last picture of Zachary. We're going to SD next week and we have been debating about the price of Sea World vs. the memory. OK - Tom has been debating with himself, and I patiently wait for him to make a decision.

Kleinmans said...

Okay good thing you have a blog so I can keep up on your family. I had no idea you guys went to CA. I'm so glad you did. How fun!! I seriously can't believe how big Zachary is. I haven't seen him in forever I guess! Someday I'll be a normal person/friend again! =)