Sunday, April 15, 2007

What do Easter Dinner and Don't Eat Pete Have in Common

The thought of eating a nice Easter dinner didn't appeal to the boys. I mean why would it when there was plenty of sugar just waiting to be consummed? We didn't have all afternoon to eat, we had to get Brian to the aiport for business trip to CA.

The day before we had introduced Andrew to the utter joy of Don't Eat Pete. For those who are not familiar with the game, there are twelve squares on the board and each is covered by a piece of food ( we like to use mini M&M's). One person covers their eyes and the rest of the group chooses which square "Pete" will be. Once Pete is chosen the person covering their eyes then starts choosing pieces of food to eat, hoping to clear the majority of board before eating, Pete.

Finally after getting frustrated that no one would eat anything, and all Andrew could talk about is Pete. Brian decided to play Pete with pieces of ham and corn. ( of course, the rolls with butter and honey were consumed with out any cajoling) Twenty minutes later Andrew and Matthew's plates were clean. Brandon, didn't have a problem eating his dinner thankfully.

It was a good thing the Easter Bunny came at midnight- they were up and ready to go at 6am. 5:30 is way to early for the Easter bunny to come on a Sunday morning.

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