Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Three Year Old

Andrew turned "free" March 23rd. Apparently being three makes you a big boy, according to Andrew. (But according to Matthew it is when you get to sleep in a twin sized bed!! )

Andrew got to pick out his ice cream. He picked Birthday Cake flavor complete with ribbons of blue frosting and confetti sprinkled throughout. I tried to reason with him that another container might be a little more appealing to the taste buds. But he would have nothing to do with it. Deciding a royal tantrum wasn't worth it ( and I know many of you have direct experience with this, especially in grocery stores) we got birthday ice cream.

His favorite color is yellow so he asked for yellow cupcakes, with yellow frosting and yellow sprinkles. The easiest birthday cake I have ever made. He was delighted, and so was I!

Excuse the pictures I can't seem to rotate them and I got a duplicate... and can't delete them out of the post either. You can definitly call me the novice blogger!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I can't believe that Andrew is three already! He is so grown up in those pictures. Cute kid! How are you feeling, by the way?