Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Suprised to see me pop up in your reader?

I have been doing a co-op preschool/joyschool, whatever you may call it, with Zachary and four other friends this past year. Initially, I wasn't going to do it, but then realized the dear one needed a regular outlet with children his own age AND more importantly to learn to be without his dear mamacita. Ay! He will finally go to the others homes without a struggle or a panic attack, so all things considered we have achieved our goals. We took the kids to Marley Farms one morning. They have a petting zoo with a variety of animals, rescued or abandoned- goats, llamas, deer, camel, pigs, kangaroos, a zonkey (zebra/donkey). We wondered who would want to try that combination of genes- a bored geneticist? The kids can feed all the animals, which they had a ball with.

The Zonkey

A little intimidating from a three year olds perspective!
Aunt Nelly came for a whirlwind two days- how excited we were to see her. We last saw her over three years ago ( far too long) She brought her mom to visit with some medical specialists here in Phoenix and lucky enough for us they stayed with us. I let the boys play hookey from school the morning before they flew home, so they could actually spend some time with her. She was inindated with favorite Wii games, football, baseball, and all things Lego- bless her patience; and tried to convince the boys that a move to Georgia would be a great idea!

Body World came to the AZ Science Center. I have always wanted to see it, Brian on the other hand has never wanted to see it. Good thing I've got Dawn. She and I took Brandon and Matthew to this this exhibit- it was incredible. Andrew so wanted to come, but it just is not for seven year olds. Even Matthew had enough about half way through. Before we went, we spent some time talking about the body and even got out my old Anatomy book. Of all the kids Andrew was the most interested and continually asked questions. I finally got to the point where I had to limit him to 5 questions a night, he could just keep going and going. Perhaps he'll be our doctor?

1 comment:

Sonia said...

It's good to hear about your family and that you are doing well.