Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Character Counts

At first glance of the title, I'm assume you are thinking here comes a story about one of the kids standing up for something, showing great integrity or something of the likes. I wish I had one of those.

Many may be familiar with my preferences in children's toys- classic, can be used across the span of ages, durable, and I really dislike toys/games with Characters on them. For example: when we went to buy the game Memory years and years ago, I had a hard time finding the classic version. When I found it, the box even stated "Classic Memory" I didn't want one that had Toy Story on it, or Cars or what ever the movie du jour was then. I wanted classic, never go out of style Memory. So needless to say, for better or worse, you may be in my corner for toys, or you may think "what kind of parent are you?", you will find very few Characters floating around our house.

Except for underwear. Yes. Underwear. In this one instance, I whole heartedly, fully embrace Characters. In this one area Character Counts.

Zach and I had the ritual experience every mother and child has of first underwear shopping. He couldn't find anything he wanted, and I am thinking there has to be something here amid all these racks of underwear that is going to catch your eye. No there was nothing. Nothing was going to do. So, I picked him up and I grabbed a few packs just to have them, praying it wasn't going to make a difference who was on his bum. And then the scream, " Bobba!!"


Mom, I want Bobba and Jango. And there it was one package of Lego Star Wars. Didn't know they had forayed into the underwear business? Neither did I. But at that moment, praise to the marketing department at Lucas Filmworks and Lego. We will survive yet another round of potty training.


Sonia said...

That's great. Love it. I, too, dislike the "character" stuff, but agree that sometimes it is worth it. Great story.

Laurel said...


And yes, characters definitely count. Chris might still be having issues if it weren't for Buzz underwear.