Monday, March 15, 2010

I spent a while last week reading some of my older posts from the begining of last year, and realized I started out strong, taking time to smell the roses, but then I either got 1) lazy or 2)got too caught up in everything that I forgot to smell. So I am here to try again...
  • my sister and her husband are expecting their first- this is so, so exciting for me! I have one sister and somehow I imagined we would have kids around the same time, but that is not meant to be. On one hand I was a bit sad, but on the other so exciting becuase I can be an auntie and love that baby to pieces, but don't have to be sore, fat or sleepless! Now, if they just lived closer...
  • Andrew is becoming more and more difficult to keep entertained in the morning. This is the time of year full day kindergarten is extremely appealing, though I am still not a proponent. We spent one morning last week playing Ticket To Ride- he beat me soundly and legitimately. For those of you who understand the scoring: he completed 11 tickets, got 157 points alone from his tickets and had a total of 237 points. I was seriously the caboose with 6 tickets, and a total of 130 points. Go figure.
  • We have a new cousin this week- Hadley Jane. Jamie and Heather had their first and did their part helping to even out the disproportionate number of Teuscher males in this world! Heather is a trooper and earns a gold star for her introduction to motherhood!
  • We watched three little boys this weekend while their mom was in the hospital having their fourth boy ( yes another kindred spirit). I wish I had my camera out when their dad came to pick them up and told them baby brother was at home. Their sweet faces were priceless, so excited and already full of love for a new brother! Maybe I got a little emotional remembering the look of my own boys faces as they peeked their heads around the door at the hosptial waiting in anticiaption for the first glimpse of their new brother- priceless moments!
  • Brandon slipped down the stairs and sprained his shoulder and wrist- I'm grateful we have comprehensive medical insurance we like (can't say that is going to be the case forever with the current political leaders :-) ) so we better enjoy it now!

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