Monday, June 4, 2007

Preschool Program

Matthew's preschool class gave the parents a fun program on the last day of school. His teacher, Miss Angie, got the class 2/3 of the way through the year after his first teacher got a full time teaching position. She has done wonders with the kids in three months. The kids gave us a run down of their typical day- all in rhyming prose, sang a few songs and then were delighted when it was time to have refreshments! Apparently the children were supposed to wear their nicest outfit ( I didn't realize this) and was wondering why Matthew was dressed from head to toe in camo, including the flip flops! I really don't care what they wear, except it needs to be clean and I don't have to dress them. I asked him about his clothing later- and he replied that he thought that by matching his shirt and shorts exactly- that would be his best outfit. Matthew is excited and ready for kindergarten- the summer can not go by fast enough for him. The rest of us are fine to let it go by leisurely.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I can't get over how much Matthew looks like Brandon. Even though I know they both have their own distinct looks ... maybe it's just that Matthew looks so grown up in this picture. Especially with Andrew (who is so big now too)! Totally loved the cami outfit!!