Monday, June 4, 2007

Camping Trip

We headed to the mountains the afternoon of Brandon's last day of school. It is so nice to breathe fresh cool air. Our friends went up the weekend before and staked a tent out in a wonderful open area surrounded by hundreds of tall pines, so we had a great place to spend a few days. The boys were a great help loading and unloading the car and helping to set up camp. They are really learning to pick the slack when asked, knowing I can't help with much now. Brandon has been especially sensitive to help when asked.

The kids enjoyed running, running, running, finding huge sticks, pine cones etc... They were so content to be outside without dripping from sweat, or feeling like they had heat exhaustion! Roasting marshmallows has become a huge hit of Andrew's- he gets them nice and warm and then eats them right off the stick. I don't even want to know how many he had in his stomach when he went to bed, but they were all over his clothes, face, hands etc... but he was in a state of pure bliss. And Matthew loved to get his on fire!

We upgraded the boys sleeping bags- so when we woke up to temps in the 30's- everyone was toasty warm. Especially me in my mummy bag- me, belly and Andrew. Andrew couldn't stay warm, so around 5am needed to snuggle. I kept telling myself at least it wasn't midnight when it happened! The kids had fun shooting BB guns and arrows in the morning. I love watching Andrew put his face down to line up his shots- he basically lays his head down on the barrel of the gun. We got home Saturday evening to a handful of calls on the answering machine from various Primary Teachers saying they wouldn't be there on Sunday and they didn't have a sub.... we should have stayed camping!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Sounds like an awesome camping trip! James has the same PJ's as Brandon :). Loved the messages that greeted you when you arrived home. I agree, you should have stayed camping just one more day!