Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall Break: Jerusalem Set

We were able to tour the Jerusalem Set the church has created to film the new stories from the New Testament. We could take pictures, the only caveat:  we couldn't post any of them. I was amazed at the size of the set. It was much smaller than I anticipated- I was assuming a sprawling set. You could tell much thought and preparation had gone into the design. It toook us a good hour to walk through it all. Laurel and Dawn, Brian's sisters, met us there. Laurel had been down on the set a few times and had watched some of the shooting and was able to help us see where certain segments had been filmed. Looking at the pictures we have and then seeing the actual video makes you realize the magic that comes from the creative genius behind the lens and in the editing room! I will say the area where the trial and beating of the Savior took place, to me had a tangibly different feel to it. Although just another area on the tour, the realization of what was depicted there became a little more life like. A fun expereince for us! Thanks for the invite Laurel.

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