Sunday, September 19, 2010

...San Diego

Headed out for the 4th of July- saw fireworks from the parking lot of Costco- swam and played at the beach-met our new cousin Hadley- and got to spend a few hours with the MacD's (they get their own post). The kids have always been fine to watch the fireworks from Gram and Gramps backyard, but not this year, they wanted to see them up close and personal. As they grow up, they want to experience things in full force, so we are learning to adapt, and roll with a few more punches.

Even the pool can get cold for this child. He prefers to be out and on the hot cement. If there ever was a cold blooded human, he might be it. That, or he just needs some fat.

This is so uncharacteristic of Hadley, but it is the only one I have with the boys. Ah well.

The beach was too cold for Andrew- but these two could have spent all day everyday riding the waves.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Sounds like a great summer! It is fun to see how your kids are growing up. Adam started middle school this year and I can hardly believe it! I hope all is well with you!