The doorbell rang Saturday afternoon, March 4. On the doorstep were two familiar faces, with a blank cardbox in hand. No markings were found on the box, yet everyone knew what it was. Grandma Teuscher said, "we were just passing through on our way to Utah for a wedding and thought you boys might like a treat !" No one was going to turn down a box of VG's, and so no one was the wiser. That night I told Brandon and Andrew that I was finally going to repaint the chipped paint in their room, and could they sleep in our room or the loft. Seemed reasonable, right? Except when I returned from a midnight run to the airport with two more additional familiar faces, Brandon woke up as we were coming upstairs. And then he started to wonder. This really was not making sense. Both sets of grandparents show up together and unannounced. A half hour before we were to leave for church we called the boys into our room to explain all the unexplained events. Quite an interesting experience telling your boys their dad is going to be called as Bishop in an hour. There were very mixed emotions-- some thought it was cool, others thought it was the worst thing that could happen, there were a few exclamations of "that's so cool." and a few upset tears. I couldn't complain after the first of the men Brian called as a counselor was out of town for business, so there was no sense in meeting, so he was home with us for most of the day. All but two of the members of the ward council went with the Coronado 2nd is always amazing to watch this process of filing callings in a new ward. We watched it two years ago with the creation of the ward we are currently in, starting from the ground up, at least he wasn't starting at 0 this time around. There will be many who will stretch and grow stronger with this change, it is a young ward. Exciting times!
Us with our parents. We never got a picture of our family-- by the time the setting aparts happened...they were done, and I never thought about it once we were home.
Lego creations....always lego creations...
Andrew dressed for nerd day.
The boys on Andrew's birthday...he was so excited about the Kai alarm clock...which has one of the most obnoxious sounds, it litterally wakes up the entire house.
Easter Pagent Time
A few shots of the temple with the sun set. This temple has the most distinct palm trees. Extreemly tall solitary palms.
Monday the 26th of March we received news that Brian's grandmother passed away. Friday we drove up to Dawns house and then Saturday up to Logan for the services. Relaxing and crashing and energy releasing after a long drive.
Matthew a little uncertain of the happenings.
Laurel, Angela, David, James, Michael, Uncle Nathan, Spencer
Kevin, Jamie, Brian, Nathan(front) Eric, Craig, Gabe and Rob (back) Gabe and Rob are Ken's sons.
This is the family picture I had intended to get a month ago!
A few of the hundreds of Coke memorablia they had. Gramps career was working for Coke. Their home was a coke musuem.
What type of Teuscher gathering is it without everyone on their devices.
Mom and Dawn going through Grams office...really it was a personal fabric store. She had years and years of handiwork, patterns etc...
The cooler. I remember Brian telling me about this cooler...he remembered it as a child. It was always filled, and always at a specific temperature. Apparently there is a temperature at which coke tastes best, and the cokes that came out of this cooler were chilled to perfection.
A number of coke clothing items were discovered, among them these pants. Photographed for posterities sake to prove they existed.
We had a wonderful quick weekend remembering Gram. I loved them for loving me so quickly and welcoming wholeheartedly. I remember driving to Logan while we were dating because Brian wanted me to meet his Grandparents. You were always fed well, and were told stories of their early life together. Hard work and love of the Lord were always evident in the stories. They were told to teach us, not just to reminis. What a joyful time to remember her and to rejoice that they are together again. Kevin gave a great eulogy filled with many humorous memories. After the services we watched some of conference, went through some of grams things, marveled at how many different and unique coke items we found and went to get ice cream has to figure in somewhere!