Monday, December 20, 2010


Friday Nights and Saturdays throughout the fall were spent at the soccer fields. I just posted one of each of the boys because I didn't think anyone really wanted to see all 600 pictures I took over the course of their games. It is all in an attempt to get the perfect shot, which I never quite got of Matthew and Andrew, there is always next year. Andrew had a fun season despite the coach thinking they were 16 not 6. Brandon had a 180 degree switch from last year- a coach who actually coached, a coach who knew the game, a coach who was complementary, calm and had integrity. And to top it off they actually won some games. Matthew had a "character building" season along with Brian, who had a "character building' year as his coach.


 The last day of school before Thanksgiving the school has a Turkey Trot. Each grade runs a fun 1/4 mile run, with the highlight being the 5 & 6th grade Turkey Relay. Each class fields a team of 8 and each person runs one leg down with a ten pound turkey, drops it off and runs back. We realized the determining factor was how well the girls could run and unfortunately for Brandon's class I don't think any of the girls in his class made it past a slow shuffle.

We grabbed the kids after they had each run and headed out to San Deigo for Thanksgiving. Craig, Gayle and their four kids had come down for the weekend as well, which made for a delightful time at Grandma and Grandpa's. Generally, we are either the only ones there, or the only one with older kids so this was a treat. Late night capture the flag games ensued everynight- each of them trying to sneak outside with a flashlight they had seripitously obsconded from Grandma's stash. Lots of running and hollering and plenty of, "take it outside boys..."  Craig and Gayle have three boys, two are twins Brandon's age, and one daughter, who basically is just another one of the boys.  Thanksgiving morning flag football was the game....

They are all getting to the age where they can actually understand plays drawn out on a palm.

 We spent one morning at the Mormon Batallion Visitors Center. We give a 5 star rating to their gold panning. We've panned for gold numerous places, but these were by far the biggest nuggets we've found

My great- grandfather,and the boys great-great- grandfather,  Edward Bunker, was one of the members of the Mormon Batallion.

 Playing at the beach one afternoon.